Dear Educated Indian who does not understand “why INDIANS celebrated Halloween” ,

I generally do not react to morons on Facebook, but on this particular instance I want to congratulate you on evoking a feeling in  my heart  to  hi-five your stupid face  and also break my one long year hiatus of writers block.

Seriously, you thought it was cool to post  on your wall for the world to see that  India does not need more festivals to celebrate??

Do you realize dear sir, that the country we call call our motherland is the largest working secular democracy in the world.  Let me expand that for you – According to the Constitution of India- we respect pluralism. We as a nation respect each other and co-exist in harmony. That’s what we are known for-  multi-cultural heritage. We accept people from different backgrounds, religions, caste, color and creed.   Name any other country which can boast about coexistence of   people practicing different religions and beliefs  for centuries?  We accept people no matter what!! This is what being an Indian is about. You participate and celebrate other beliefs without being judgmental about them, we do not condone them.

I work in USA and that does not make me any less of an Indian than you are.  Lot of you forget that every action we take here reflect upon the country  we hail from, we create the stereotypes. I represent my country in this foreign land and I do uphold the values I have grown-up with.

President of America went on air to wish all the Indians a “Happy Diwali” , my “non-indian” colleagues adorned Indian Attire and celebrated Diwali with us “Desi people”  and we Indians are being judged if dressed up for Halloween.

Who gave you this right to look down upon us?? It is a festival, everyone should participate. If you do not want to be a part of it , shut-the-fuck up. No one asked for your  stupid opinions. People like you make Indians all over the world look incredibly stupid. Please next time you have a thought like this and you want to share with the world, cut that into half and do not speak. You are an embarrassment!

Halloween is a celebration, people are using to play dress up so what is the big deal? Indians use Diwali as an excuse to gamble and drink? Why do you not speak against that?

Your sincerely,

2 thoughts on “WHY NOT PLAY DRESS-UP IN INDIA ??

  1. I see your point. But I think the fb post that you described talked about people in India celebrating Halloween. I don’t know if there was another facade to this whole issue where they personally attacked you (verbally) but there are two sides to the coin, if observed carefully:
    1. There is nothing wrong in inheriting western cultures / lifestyle. As someone in the comments has rightly mentioned, “Globalization ka zamaana hai”. When rest of the world is embracing cultures from other backgrounds, why shouldn’t we?
    2. However, Taking your children for ‘trick-or-treat’ing on streets of Shivaji Nagar or anywhere else in India is a little weird. Considering the fact that we don’t entertain gorily dressed kids asking around for candy.

    I, personally think, that a festival needs to be celebrated in good spirit no matter which culture it belongs to as long as no one / thing is harmed or damaged during the process.

    • Vishnu, I would like to thank you for taking time to read my blog and leaving your comments. I am in absolute agreement that we need to be open about accepting different cultures. We should celebrate them just because they bring happiness and people slow-down for a second.
      My friend’s post on FB which I had used for this blog hit little too close to home not because I participated in Halloween. It hit close because several of my friends, acquaintances and colleagues who work in a MNC with American parent company dressed up as zombies and monster to show support for their American counterparts. To put it simply, they were having fun. And do not deserve to be judged because someone did not participate. Secondly, it is never ‘Okay’ to plaster Facebook wall or any such social media with comment like” Don’t we (Indians) have enough festivals that we need to import more (Halloween).” Or “Many of them do not celebrate Holi (An Indian Festival) but, are uploading pictures of Halloween” That is just not right. This is moral policing. We are better than this.
      Plus, I do not see any harm in letting children run around wearing action figure costumes. People adapt to change. I have never been visited by fairies, princesses and action heroes together in one evening. We have fancy dress completions and theme birthday parties. Why not trick or treat?? Food for thought.

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